Update for Educare, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 Parents 12th June 2020

Update for Educare, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 Parents - 12th June 2020

As promised, I said I would update you about the school's capacity to take in more children. We have to prioritise the children in Educare; those with parents who are critical key workers and those deemed vulnerable for a variety of reasons; Reception children; Year 1 children and then Year 6 children. We still only have the capacity for 4 bubbles to run safely in school.

With numbers of pupils attending increasing over this week and next, we are almost full to capacity. We are therefore currently not in a position to take in the Year 6. They will continue to be supported by the Home Learning on either Class Dojo and through Paper Packs weekly, when requested. However, we are exploring the possibility of inviting the Year 6 in for the last week of term, closing the Reception & Year 1 Bubbles to allow the Year 6s to have some kind of closure and a marked ending to their time at Marlborough Primary Academy. I will keep you updated as and when things change.

Have a great weekend. Stay safe and well.

Miss Summers : )